Good Learning, on our week 6 class we discussed our Assignment 2 and what we have to do for it for week 13. I have to still find a group and a topic for this assignment, I'm glad we get to chose the groups. After that our teacher went on to show us the Python program, and how to use it for those who had troubles. I found it easy after my friend showed me, and he is explaining what he is doing about looking for what strings and where to make your first break in the program. After he went through that it was on to the fun stuff!!! WE got to work with an actual virus in this class. He gave us a website that we had to put into our URL box because if you were to type it into Google it wouldn't come up because this website lets you download viruses. I tried to get the virus onto my host computer but my virus scanner wouldn't allow it (which is good). In the end I downloaded it straight to my Virtual Machine, and also used process monitor to look at the virus. Once running everything on my VM, I opened the process monitor to see what this virus was doing. I had attached itself to literally everything from MS Word to the default windows magnifying glass. This virus is really deadly, I think it ended up screwing up my VM completely:/. I though this virus was really interesting, and on another note I have a friend in the class who left their VM on nat and the virus got onto his roommates computer...opps lol.
Scott Dawe
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